2023 Lessons Management Forum

AFAC Lessons Management Award

Proudly sponsored by C3 Resilience

Award sponsored by C3 Resilience

Nomination period.

Nominations for the AFAC Lessons Management Award 2023 open Monday 20 March 2023 and will close on Friday 5 May 2023.

Conditions of entry

  1. The award is open to all agencies/organisations within Australia and New Zealand.
  2. The agency/organisation must be willing to allow members of the award selection panel to have contact with all person(s) who have been involved in the initiative nominated for the award, or who are in leadership positions within the agency/organisation. A contact person should be specified.
  3. The nomination forms are to be endorsed by the CEO/Commissioner/Chief Officer/Senior Manager of the agency/organisation.
  4. There are no limits to the number of nominations submitted per agency/organisation.

Selection criteria

An agency/organisation nominating for this award must be able to demonstrate significant leadership and commitment to leading practice in lessons management during the previous 12 months. Areas of endeavour may include:

  • development of processes to effectively capture lessons management outcomes and embed in agency practice
  • development of new documented business processes to facilitate lessons management initiatives within the agency
  • case studies of projects, programs or initiatives using contemporary approaches
  • sharing and collaboration within agency and/or across sector lessons management initiatives
  • development of technology solutions to lessons management
  • demonstration of positive practical benefit for the sector.

Nominations must be accompanied by a description of:

  • the innovation in the area of lessons management
  • the level of executive support and how this was obtained
  • the benefit for the agency or sector of the initiative
  • the impact or potential impact for the wider sector, including whether the change is sustainable
  • supporting comments to be provided by the nominating officer (optional).

The nominating officer must also provide supporting comments addressing the nominee’s or agency’s work towards establishing lessons management.

Selection panel

The successful candidate will be selected by a panel of senior executives from the fire and emergency services across Australia. The successful nomination will be advised by Friday 19 May 2023. The award will be presented at the Lessons Management Forum on Tuesday 27 or Wednesday 28 June 2023 followed by a presentation on the winning submission.

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